Driving your car you have purchased with your own money can be fun and exciting but if you are not careful, some months down the line you will enjoy your cars and few months later you will notice your car is giving you problems and you might have overpaid for your car, and when this reality sets in its too late. Buying a car is not like a buying a pair of jeans or electrical gadgets such as phones or TV set, in this blog, we have for you some common mistakes you can avoid when buying a car from an automobile dealer.
- Take time to research on the type of car you are buying and do not rush. Rushing is one of the mistakes we make when we are in rush to get something for ourselves, and due to that we make mistakes that will cost us in the near future. When you want to buy a car, identify the type of car that suits your budget, there are lots of cars such as pick-ups, sports cars, salon cars, SUV and others, which one these types do you like and which one will suit your purpose? Identify the specification of the car such as the mileage, internal and external features of the car, the fuel capacity, the engine capacity and the strength of the engine or car and the year the car was manufactured, this looks simple but it’s very important to have this information so that you don’t make mistakes when buying your car.
- Buying a car above your budget, this is one mistake people make, the fact that you have your car, does not mean that you can drive it to anyplace, you will have to fuel the car and maintain the car, so why buy a car you cannot fuel or maintain, check the engine capacity this will help you to enjoy your car.
- Take time to go for test drive, when you don’t have a thorough test drive and you buy the car after some few months, you might have issues that would need fixing and the fixing involves money, so take your time and go for that test drive, don’t be pushed over by what the dealer tells you.
- Not having the car inspected by an expert, most people know how to drive but cannot identify faults with cars, if you are such a person, it’s important that you let someone accompany you, who has in-depth knowledge on cars and engines.
- Avoid buying unnecessary extras when you have not checked on the prices of the item, some extras on cars can be quite expensive, if you’re your car needs an additional services, consult your dealer and find out more about the prices of the items before you let them add any extra servicing to your car